Members of the Phylum Porifera
Subkingdom parazoa
Radial symmetry
Located at the marine floor
Not on the shore
By the store
Reproducing asexually or sexually
Very professionally
With four cells
Not any shells
Porocyte draws water in
Isn’t a sin
Collar cells capture food
Not forgetting to chew
Controlling water flow
Putting on a show
Down below
Epidermis is the outer skin
Quite thin
Amoebocytes being a floater
Runs like a motor
Them being filter feeders
Act like leaders
Water entering through the pores
Not the sores
Out through the osculum
Nutrients being captured by collar cells
Distributed by amoebocytes
Reproduction of sexual hermaphrodites
Undergoing meiosis to make egg or sperm
Regardless during midterm
Asexual with budding or gemmule formation
Without taking a vacation
With great patience
Spicules and chemical toxins for protection
Possibly from infections
Regeneration is easy
Not making you feel wheezy
No nerves present
Just like a pheasant
Communication can still occur
In a blur
First animals on earth
Some giving birth
Body being a loose assemblage of cells
Not under any spells
With tiny holes and tunnels
Acting like a funnel
None look the same
Having no definitive shape
Does not have a cape
With many responsibilities to perform
Cells come together to form new sponges
Do not do any lunges
Held together by collagen
Very positive
Having millions of brittle spicules
Embedded in their bodies
Everyone else very sorry
Filter feeding to consume food and eat
In a heartbeat
Through the narrow passages the current flows
Not from the nose
Till it bursts into the millions of tiny hearts
Just like playing darts
Choanocytes cells that power the pump
Sounding like a bump
Sex life depends on pumping
Sperm entering if they are the same species
Fertilizing the eggs
Doesn’t work through the legs
Sponge cells
Not like bells
Retain a special freedom
Constantly reinventing themselves
Unlike elves
Sponges being passed through sieves
Most assume they would not live
It’s cells being separated
Were not devastated
Still recognizing each other
Like brothers
Beginning to form new sponges
Over several hours
Smelling like flowers
Having special powers
No other plant or animal performing this way
On any week day
Don’t even think about may
As if they had a say
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